Monday, October 30, 2006


Every American needs to purchase this DVD (since the film hasn't been shown in that many theaters--for obvious reasons); every American needs to watch this DVD multiple times; every American needs to show this DVD to his/her family members, friends, colleagues, and other associates. With last year's Real ID Act, the formation of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (which will bring neither security nor prosperity for America's struggling middle class and working poor), bad Supreme Court decisions like Kelo, and this year's revelations about the North American Union in the works--and finally the Military Commissions Act of 2006--we probably have no more than four years to turn this tide back, and may have less than two years!

Here is Michael Revero's review of the film.

"America: Freedom to Fascism"

By Mike Rivero,


I finally received a DVD of the full length movie, and watched it last night.

The short review is that if Fahrenheit 9-11 won the "Palm D-Or", then AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM deserves the whole tree! This is the film that F/9-11 aspired to but failed to be.

Far from the extremist screed that its attackers portray it to be, "America" starts out as a genuinely objective search to find out the reality behind the claims of the Tax Honesty movement. In scene after scene, Aaron Russo tries to get the answer to one simple question; what is the law that requires American workers to pay income tax on their wages and salaries. At every turn, he is rebuffed by IRS officials, with one notable exception. Aaron did secure an interview with former IRS Commissioner Sheldon Cohen who makes the amazing statement that US Supreme Court rulings are irrelevant when it comes to interpretation and enforcement of the IRS code, and moreover chides Aaron for refusing to "believe" that he owes taxes. By this time, Aaron and the audience are convinced that the Tax Honesty people are onto something!

Numerous examples are given of cases against non-filers collapsing in court when the prosecutions are unable to produce the law they supposedly are in violation of. These are juxtaposed against successful prosecutions in which the judges clearly browbeat the juries into accepting at face value what the prosecutors claim. In one frightening case, a Federal Judge rules from the bench that the government is not under any legal obligation to show any laws it claims are being broken during a trial.

Russo them moves into the police state tactics used by the IRS in enforcement actions, detailing how accusation alone (in this case, false) can trigger the complete ruin of the victims' homes and businesses.

Having laid the foundation that the income tax on wages may be as big a hoax as Iraq's 'nookular' bombs, Russo takes his film into the reality of life in America, where far from the freedom we are told we enjoy, one must get the government's permission to do just about anything these days, while the government watches our every move. With the planned national ID card, things are likely to get worse.

This is a film that will probably give nightmares to those who have not been following the nation's devolution here on the internet for the last several years. The film is a convincer, and Russo has carefully laid out the path for his audience, who will be reluctant to see what Russo sees, to follow.

This is a movie you MUST see. This is a movie the government MUST keep you from seeing. Call your local theaters and ask when it will be showing. When enough people call, the film will be booked, because after all, in America, money rules all. - M. R.

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