Thursday, February 17, 2005

Today's Annoyances & a Recommended Reading

Last week I submitted two articles for publication. Lew Rockwell nearly always responds, sometimes within an hour (I would love to know his secret for handling what must be huge troves of email). And so last weekend my review of Bruce Shortt's book appeared, and is making the rounds.

I also sent one to Bob Dill, who edits the Times Examiner based here in Greenville. He never replies, so I never know if the article is going to appear or not. The one I sent him last week did not. Nothing to do but wait and see if it appears next week (it was longer than usual, but for a good reason). To be sure, with my schedule I cannot take the time to write articles, short or long, without knowing if they will be used. If it never appears it may be my last submission there for a while. I cannot make the mistake of thinking I am a priority item with the Times Examiner, as if I was one of the insiders here. I've never been on the inside of anything in my life.

Recommended reading: speaking of Lew Rockwell, his article today--on how the so-called conservative Republican agenda and even that of evangelical Christians is being used by the government to expand state power. This, of course, is what the state does: expand its power.

Good news: email contact with Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt again.

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