Thursday, February 17, 2005
Today's Annoyances & a Recommended Reading
I also sent one to Bob Dill, who edits the Times Examiner based here in Greenville. He never replies, so I never know if the article is going to appear or not. The one I sent him last week did not. Nothing to do but wait and see if it appears next week (it was longer than usual, but for a good reason). To be sure, with my schedule I cannot take the time to write articles, short or long, without knowing if they will be used. If it never appears it may be my last submission there for a while. I cannot make the mistake of thinking I am a priority item with the Times Examiner, as if I was one of the insiders here. I've never been on the inside of anything in my life.
Recommended reading: speaking of Lew Rockwell, his article today--on how the so-called conservative Republican agenda and even that of evangelical Christians is being used by the government to expand state power. This, of course, is what the state does: expand its power.
Good news: email contact with Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt again.