Saturday, December 17, 2005


We've been offline for several days due to an ice storm that shut down most of Upstate South Carolina these past several days, but will be back with new posts in another day or so.

In the meantime, a new development in the offing: a new Blog from yours truly, its purpose different from the present one. Tentatively entitled What Happened Before?, its intent is to probe unconventional history, archeology, geology, biology, cosmology, etc., documenting where possible those discoveries that cannot be fitted into either the conventional evolutionary framework of thought, or, more broadly, those which seem to support a Biblical interpretation of events. Obviously, the issue between proponents of Evolution and proponents of Intelligent Design are relevant here.

Our theme: that most science today is government science--sponsored according to the Rockefeller principles of "scientific giving": every dollar has strings attached to it. This follow-the-money-trail approach springs from the same basic outlook that propells the present blog, adding that truth is often more easily concealed than revealed within today's institutions. A research program into which huge quantities of government and foundation money are flowing is bound to generate more "results" than one which has been deliberately strangled or left to wither on the vine without said support.

Anyone with news items, references or recommended readings, websites, other source materials or suggestions that will make What Happened Before? an interesting, intellectually engaging and successful Blog, please feel free to respond here or contact me privately at

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