Wednesday, March 29, 2006
SPP: The Cancun Agenda
Today might set a record for posts here--but there's been a lot going on (including articles I am writing against deadlines). A few readers have actually replied to some of the earlier posts. Responses to those will just have to wait; at the moment I don't have time, as things are happening too quickly. But for now it seems worthwhile to recommend identifying your enemy: not the illegal alien per se but the globalist banking cartel and those who have surrounded them--politicians of both major parties, wealthy CEOs of multi-billion-dollar transnational corporations, and their well-paid shills in the mainstream media, in the big foundations and in the so-called think tanks. All of these share in the blame for the ongoing destruction of the United States of America, Constitutional republic. Always ask: who benefits? Who will benefit, in the long run, from converting 12 to 20 million illegal aliens to 12 to 20 million wage slaves who never knew anything about Constitutionally limited government or the rule of law. And always ask: is "globalization" a natural process brought about by changes in technology or a carefully orchestrated one brought about by an international banking cartel that has been promoting global hegemony and empire for decades? The answer to this last: it is not changing technology, since the idea of global hegemony was around when the Council on Foreign Relations was formed in 1921, long before any of today's telecommunications or Web technology was ever dreamt of. We had, after all, refused to join the (globalist) League of Nations.
In any event, even as I write, our globalist President George W. Bush, Mexico's Vicente Fox and Canada's Stephen Harper are meeting in Cancun and continuing the globalist scheme for "integrating" North America. This comes courtesy of Joan Masters (thanks) who has penned some commentary of her own which will come next. I think it will prove worth reading.
Then we get to Lou Dobbs, whose criticisms of our global elites have always been sensible if limited (I don't think he sees the entire picture, but he sees some of it--and more than most).
Joan: "They do the jobs Americans won't do? Horse manure!"
I've been thinking about the idea being touted around that illegals only take the hard and dirty jobs Americans wont. And I have to say that is a baldfaced lie!
My oldest son went to school with a young fellow named Mark and they've been friends for many years.
Mark graduated from high school and got a job in his township as a trash collector. He married young and he and his wife bought a home where they raised three lovely children - one who became a doctor, one graduated from college last year, and one is still in the local high school. All of them supported by their father and he put two through college - one through medical school. He still works as a trash collector.
Still think Americans wont work at certain jobs but immigrants will?
My oldest son, big for his 11 years, got part time jobs. One summer he cleaned out underneath the big commercial trampolines that were all the rage that year. Sometimes, after a rain, he stood in mud up to his waist. As a young teenager he got a summer job working with roofers . His job was to make sure the tar was stirred in the kettle over the fire. Then he would lift the tar buckets up to the roofers. He'd come home at night and I'd put salve on his burnt hands and arms. He worked as a packer in a grocery store, and as the boy who carried out people's groceries and loaded them in their cars. He worked one summer in Washington, helping to lift the huge ceiling tiles for the metro stations being built then. Another summer he worked in a cement factory, laying cement in wooden squares used for floors in apartment buildings. And he worked his own way through college before he volunteered as a Marine and went to Vietnam.
Another son was never without some kind of job, starting also about age eleven. He helped the Jewel Tea Co. delivery man carry orders to customers at home, riding on the back of a truck. One job he had was cleaning out the grease traps in a restaurant. He worked at the cement factory, too, and also helped lift the tiles for the Metro's ceiling in DC. One year he worked for a horse trainer, walking the horses around the Maryland track and rubbing them down later. Also shoveled out horse stalls. He and a friend spent a summer tarring people's driveways. Another summer cutting down trees for a local contracter. He worked days in a factory taking molded materials out of a burning hot oven and at night he'd go to the baseball statium and cut and squeeze lemons for the fellow who sold lemonade. He'd come home and his burnt hands would be stinging from the lemon juice and I'd wrap them in salve bandages.
Their father and I never told them they couldn't work at any job, because this is what they wanted to do.
These are only the jobs I can remember they had. There were many more I've forgotten.
It is an insult to the American people to say someone from a foreign country has to come to the United States to do the jobs they wont do.
Maybe the president was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and never had to do anything but learn to ride horseback and water ski before going off to Yale.
Americans are known for being the work horses of the world. No French 35 hours a week for them!
After all, who crossed an ocean and looked at the forests of primitive America and planted the farmlands? and built the cities? and raised the factories and the skyscrapers? and dug the canals and built the dams?
The president should ask himself those questions. Or didn't they tell him at Yale who built America?
----- Original Message -----
From: Nick Ivanovich
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 3:41 PM
Subject: AMNESTY - BUSH - FOX and The Cancun Agenda
Bush Reveals True Motive for Open Borders,
His Actions Speak Even Louder!
Lawbreakers in Congress Caused This Mess!
They Violated Their Constitutional Oath to Protect the Borders
Result: Amnesty for 20 Million;
Businesses Can Still Hire Illegals
Problem: No One is Accountable.
Today ! March 29, 2006. As the Full Senate is Preparing For Debate Of The Immigration Reform Bill Passed By Senate Judiciary Committee; Mexican President Vicente Fox Is Meeting in Cancun With President Bush and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper;
From: Lou Dobbs Tonight - CNN - March 28
President Vicente Fox took credit for the illegal immigration legislation approved by the Judiciary Committee.
President Fox said the bill resulted from five years of work that began with his inauguration as Mexico's president in 2000.
See Building a North American Community," Fox says it's one step closer to Mexico's goal of "legalization for everyone" who works in the United States."
Speaking about the massive demonstrations in Los Angeles over the past few days, Alberto Tinoco of Televisa television network said, "With all due respect to Uncle Sam, this shows Los Angeles has never stopped being ours."
President Bush said he sees no problem with the Mexican government's full-page newspaper ads last week intended to influence the U.S. political debate on illegal immigration.
Is Bush proposing a permanent indentured class - Hard work for below market wages? Who profits?
GEORGE W. BUSH, I mean, rather than have people sneaking across the border to come and do jobs that Americans won't do [An Insult], it seems like it makes sense for people to be given an identification card that they can come! and use to do a job on a temporary basis so they can go back and forth freely with this tamper-proof ID card
USA Citizenship for Sale - Cheap! Work here for 11 years and pay $2000.
Are credit cards accepted? Spread the word!
SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R), JUDICIARY COMMITTEE: ”If you can for an 11-year period have a good, -- obey the law, be proficient if English, be constantly employed, pay a $2,000 fine after 11 years, I think you've earned the right to be an American citizen.”
Watch Video Tape
The Cancun Agenda
[Aired March 28, 2006 - 18:00 ET
ANNOUNCER: This is LOU DOBBS TONIGHT, news, debate and opinion for Tuesday, March 28.
Live in New York, Lou Dobbs.
LOU DOBBS, CNN ANCHOR: Good evening, everybody.
One day after the Senate Judiciary Committee's vote to legalize millions of illegal aliens in this country, the full Senate is set to begin historic debate over immigration reform, but not yet. It seems there is a severely divided opinion.
We're live on Capitol Hill with the story. And I'll be joined by Senator Jon Kyl and Senator Jeff Sessions. They're launching a new fight in the Senate against that amnesty for illegal aliens.
Also tonight, why organized labor and special interest groups and big business are also heavily in favor of illegal alien amnesty. Why is that?
We begin with Republicans in the Senate preparing to battle members of their own part! y over the issues of border security and the president's demands for a guest worker program, amnesty for illegal aliens. The full Senate is preparing for a debate of the so-called comprehensive immigration reform bill passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee last night. But that plan to give millions of illegal aliens legal status has already divided the Republican Party.
Dana Bash live on Capitol Hill with the story -- Dana.
DANA BASH, CNN CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Now, Lou, senators all day, really all last night and this morning, had been haggling over just how to bring this complicated and divisive issue to the Senate floor.
And what we now believe is going to happen, probably starting tomorrow, is that they're actually going to be debating two measures at the same time, one from the Senate majority leader, Bill Frist, which deals just with border security and not the so-called guest worker program, and also with the measure that the Senate Judiciary Committee passed last night, which of course does deal with the guest worker program and puts illegal immigrants on a path to citizenship.
Now, what we will likely see over the next week and a half is essentially, as you mentioned, a free-for-all. A debate that will likely fall down. The way it will fall down, I should say, is going to be anybody's guess, but it will certainly further illustrate the deep divide in the Republican Party.
SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R), JUDICIARY COMMITTEE: If you can for an 11-year period have a good, -- obey the law, be proficient if English, be constantly employed, pay a $2,000 fine after 11 years, I think you've earned the right to be an American citizen. I think that's a win-win.
SEN. GEORGE ALLEN (R), VIRGINIA: The bill that's coming out of the Judiciary Committee awards illegal behavior. And I think if you reward illegal behavior, you'll get more illegal behavior.
GEORGE W. BUSH, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I mean, rather than have people sneaking across the border to come and do jobs that Americans won't do, it seems like it makes sense for people to be given an identification card that they can come and use to do a job on a temporary basis so they can go back and forth freely with this tamper-proof ID card and not have to sneak across, so that our border patrol agents on both sides of the border are really dealing with, you know, drug smuggling or gun smuggling or terrorists trying to sneak into the country.
DOBBS: President Bush also said he sees no problem with the Mexican government's full-page newspaper ads last week intended to influence the U.S. political debate on illegal immigration. President Bush says he appreciates the input, as he put it, from the Mexican government.
Mexican President Vicente Fox took credit for the illegal immigration legislation approved by the Judiciary Committee. President Fox particularly pleased with provisions for a so-called guest worker program for illegal aliens residing in this country.
President Fox said the bill resulted from five years of work that began with his inauguration as Mexico's president in 2000. Fox says it's one step closer to Mexico's goal of "legalization for everyone" who works in the United States."
Mexican media commentators went even further. They see a reversal of Mexico's defeat in the Mexican-American War of 1848.
Speaking about the massive demonstrations in Los Angeles over the past few days, Alberto Tinoco of Televisa television network said, "With all due respect to Uncle Sam, this shows Los Angeles has never stopped being ours."
President Fox brings his illegal immigration agenda to Cancun this week for trilateral summit talks with President Bush and Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper. The three leaders will also discuss, among other issues, border security and so-called free trade.
Casey Wian reports from Cancun.
(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) CASEY WIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): A year ago, they were called the three amigos: President Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox, and former Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin. Their meeting at the president's Crawford, Texas, ranch focused on several issues, including the United States' desire for stronger border security, Mexico's demand for amnesty for millions of its citizens living illegally in the U.S., and Canada's push for a new way to resolve trade disputes. But the only accomplishment was an agreement to meet again, and the same issues will be on the table this week in Cancun with a new amigo, Canada's new prime minister, Stephen Harper.
Last year, the Minuteman Project in Arizona was just beginning. Now border security and immigration reform are at the top of the United States agenda.
BUSH: If I keep the promise of America we must enforce the laws of America. We must also reform those laws. No one is served by an immigration system that allows large numbers of people to sneak across the border illegally. Nobody benefits when illegal immigrants live in the shadows of society.
WIAN: But Mexican president Vicente Fox only agrees with half that statement. He supports the renewed push in the United States Senat! e for amnesty, but he's lobbying hard to defeat the House bill that would crack down on illegal aliens.
VICENTE FOX, MEXICAN PRESIDENT: They're working with dignity, with productivity. They're doing fine in contributing to the United States economy. The least they deserve is to be recognized as legal in their work and recognize their human and labor rights.
WIAN: Now he's even demanding that Canada accept more Mexican guest workers. Canada's Harper has not publicly responded. He's expected to challenge another U.S. border security effort that would require Canadians to show secure identification like a passport for crossing the United States border.
Casey Wian, CNN.
DOBBS: This program will be broadcasting from the trilateral summit in Cancun beginning tomorrow night. We will, of course, be reporting all the major issues of the summit and its agenda: illegal immigration, border security, the expansion of the North American Security Perimeter, as it is called, and so-called free trade, and a great deal more.
We hope you'll be with us.